North Carolina’s conservation trust funds provide essential support to land and water protection projects across our state.
A 2018 Survey of Land and Water Funding completed by the NC Forever coalition found that land and water conservation play an important role in supporting a healthy environment, sustainable growth, and a vibrant North Carolina economy.
Per the report, local parks supported over 24,000 jobs in 2015 and increased nearby property values by up to 10%. Conservation also supported critical industries, from the military ($66 billion GSP 577,000 jobs) to tourism ($84 billion GSP and 626,200 jobs).
About The Trust Funds
N.C. Land and Water Fund

The N.C. Land and Water Fund is a primary source of grants allowing hundreds of local governments, state agencies, and conservation nonprofits to address water pollution, protect clean water, and conserve lands that are ecologically, culturally, or historically significant.
- CWMTF has protected more than 460,000 acres of watershed and nearly 5,000 miles of stream buffers.
- In the past two years, CWMTF awarded nearly $50 million in grants to communities and conservation organizations.
Parks and Recreation Trust Fund (PARTF)

The Parks and Recreation Trust Fund (PARTF) supports land acquisition and improvements within the state’s park system. PARTF is the main source of funding for local parkland acquisitions, facility improvements, and public beach and estuarine access.
- PARTF has provided more than $200 million for 850 local park projects and funded more than $500 million in projects since 1994.
Agricultural Development and Farmland Preservation Trust Fund

The Agricultural Development and Farmland Preservation Trust Fund (ADFPTF) supports the state’s agricultural economy by funding programs that support working family farms through conservation easements on threatened farmland and agricultural development projects. ADFPTF dollars also match the Department of Defense funds to protect farms and working forest near military facilities.
- ADFPTF has protected more than 22,000 acres of family farms to date.