Our 2023 Legislative Agenda

North Carolinians love the outdoors. Visitation to NC State Parks increased to 22,800,000 in 2021 – 3,000,000 more than in 2020. Visitation to state forests, game lands, trails and local parks continues to increase.

The Land for Tomorrow Coalition greatly appreciates the strong support of the General Assembly and Governor for our Conservation Trust Funds and looks forward to working with them in 2023 to build upon our success. Land for Tomorrow recommends the following to the 2023 General Assembly.

NC Land and Water Fund
Increase recurring funds to:

  • $30,000,000 recurring
  • $20,000,000 in non-recurring funds in FY23-24

The Land for Tomorrow Coalition strongly supports NC Land and Water Fund’s flood risk reduction grant program.

  • $15,000,000 to continue NCLWF’s flood risk reduction program

Parks and Recreation Trust Fund

  • $30,000,000 recurring
  • $20,000,000 in non-recurring funds in FY23-24

Agricultural Development & Farmland Preservation Trust Fund

  • $15,000,000 recurring as recommended by Agriculture Commissioner Steve Troxler

Great Trails State Funding
The Land for Tomorrow Coalition supports the Great Trails State Coalition’s request for appropriations to establish the Great Trails State Fund.

Dedicated Funding and Conservation Tax Credit
The Land for Tomorrow Coalition supports H290: Protecting NC’s Military and Working Lands, which incentivizes land conservation by providing a 25% tax credit to landowners who donate land for conservation purposes. The coalition also supports restoring dedicated funding from state deed excise stamp tax revenues to the Land & Water Fund and Parks & Recreation Trust Fund.

Stewardship of State Lands, Facilities & Funds
The Land for Tomorrow Coalition strongly supports requests by the Department of Natural & Cultural Resources, NC Wildlife Resources Commission and Department of Agriculture for staff to manage the conservation trust funds and to manage new state parks, historic sites, game lands and state forests.

Download a PDF of these priorities.

Sen. Brent Jackson Recognized as Land and Water Champion

DURHAM – Sen. Brent Jackson has been recognized as a North Carolina Land and Water Champion by the North Carolina Land for Tomorrow Coalition.

“Sen. Jackson is a steadfast supporter of funding for land and water conservation,” said NC State Director of The Conservation Fund Bill Holman, who chairs the coalition. “His support has been crucial to increasing the dollars available for this vital work.”

Sen. Jackson is one of three state legislators to receive this year’s award. Other awards went to Rep. Larry Strickland and Rep. Kyle Hall. Because of their work, this past year the General Assembly directed well over $300 million towards game lands, working farms, military buffers, local nature preserves, and parks and trails across North Carolina. These legislators also led efforts to restore funding for conservation programs that suffered in the previous economic downturn.

“North Carolinians benefit from these funds through new places to be outdoors—a need that became particularly important in the past few years,” said Holman. “All of us who value North Carolina’s natural resources owe Sen. Jackson gratitude for his support.”

Picture Caption: Representatives of the Land for Tomorrow Coalition recognized Sen. Jackson during a visit to Holly Shelter Game Land, one of the many natural areas that have been protected with funds from the N.C. Land and Water Fund. Pictured left to right: Nature Conservancy Southeast Coastal Plain Director Deb Maurer, Nature Conservancy Government Relations Director Will Robinson, Sen. Jackson’s dog Angel, Nature Conservancy Executive Director Katherine Skinner, Wildlife Resources Commission Legislative Affairs Manager Ashton Godwin, Wildlife Resources Commission Forester Casey Phillips, Friends of The Mountain to Sea Trail Board Member Tammy Proctor, and Pender County Commissioner Dr. Jimmy Tate.

Land for Tomorrow is a statewide coalition of community leaders, conservation and wildlife organizations, and parks and recreation advocates with a common goal: increasing land and water conservation in North Carolina. http://www.land4tomorrow.org/

Rep. Kyle Hall Recognized as Land and Water Champion

DURHAM – Rep. Kyle Hall has been recognized as a North Carolina Land and Water Champion by the North Carolina Land for Tomorrow Coalition.

“Rep. Hall is a steadfast supporter of public funding for land and water conservation,” said NC State Director of The Conservation Fund Bill Holman, who chairs the coalition. “His support has been crucial to increasing the dollars available for this vital work.”

Rep. Hall is one of three state legislators to receive this year’s award. Other awards went to Rep. Larry Strickland and Sen. Brent Jackson. Because of their work, this past year the General Assembly directed well over $300 million towards parks and trails, working farms, local nature preserves, game lands, and military buffers across North Carolina. These legislators also led efforts to restore funding for conservation programs that suffered in the previous economic downturn.

“North Carolinians benefit from these funds through new places to recreate—a need that became particularly important in the past few years. That includes strong support for Hanging Rock, Mayo River, and Pilot Mountain state parks, Belews Lake Park, and the establishment of Dan River State Trail,” said Holman. “All of us who value North Carolina’s natural resources owe Rep. Hall gratitude for his support.”

Picture Caption: Representatives of the Land for Tomorrow Coalition recognized Rep. Hall as a North Carolina Land and Water Champion at the Piedmont Land Conservancy’s Shoe Buckle tract on the Dan River, which is one of many natural areas across North Carolina that have been funded by the North Carolina Land and Water Fund. The 850-acre tract will provide river access, eventually becoming part of the Mountains-To-Sea Trail. It will also become a key part of the Dan River State Trail. Pictured from left to right: Piedmont Land Conservancy Board President Will Truslow, Piedmont Land Conservancy Executive Director Kevin Redding, Rep. Kyle Hall, and Piedmont Land Conservancy Conservation Planner Palmer McIntyre.

Land for Tomorrow is a statewide coalition of community leaders, conservation and wildlife organizations, and parks and recreation advocates with a common goal: increasing land and water conservation in North Carolina. http://www.land4tomorrow.org/

Prioritizing land and water conservation

Thank you to North Carolina’s governor and legislators for passing a budget that prioritizes land and water conservation. Funding of $48.4 million to the state’s conservation trust funds will benefit people and nature for generations.

Our state’s conservation needs are not one-and-done. The Land for Tomorrow coalition thanks our state leadership for building on the foundation of conservation funding established in 2021. By securing reoccurring funding, every generation now has a chance to have clean air and water as well as beautiful places to play.

Land and water are North Carolina’s most important economic assets. The four engines of North Carolina’s economy – agriculture, tourism, forestry and the military – depend on land and water conservation. Therefore, protecting these vital natural resources is essential to North Carolina’s bottom line – boosting spending and providing jobs.

Our state’s conservation trust funds ensure that the North Carolina Land and Water Trust Fund (NCLWF), Parks and Recreation Trust Fund (PARTF), and the Agricultural Development and Farmland Preservation Trust Fund (ADFPTF) are fully funded to be the safeguards for our state. In addition, these funds enable conservation groups to continue working with state agencies to protect North Carolina’s valuable natural resources, ensuring that both current and future generations will continue to benefit from all our state has to offer.

Thank you to the governor and our legislators for conservation funding of the following:

  • Increases recurring funding for the North Carolina Land and Water Fund by $11 million, taking the total recurring funding from $13.2 million to $24.2 million.
  • Increases recurring funding for the Parks and Recreation Trust Fund by $8 million, taking the total recurring funding from $16.2 million to $24.2 million.

To learn more about the impact of the conservation trust funds and see your tax dollars in action, follow Land for Tomorrow on Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/L4TNC – and Twitter – https://twitter.com/land4tomorrow.

Invest in Conservation for North Carolina’s Future

Our state’s conservation needs are not one-and-done. The Land for Tomorrow coalition is working with state leaders to build on the foundation of conservation funding. Every generation deserves to have healthy functioning land and water that are not only beautiful but also provide clean air and water.

We commend our governor and legislators for passing a budget in 2021 that prioritized land and water conservation. Our state leaders put our parks, game lands, forests, trails, and farms at the top of the priority list and we are thankful for that. This historic spending allocation was the highest since the 2008 recession and will benefit people and nature for generations to come.

Land and water are North Carolina’s most important economic assets. The four engines of North Carolina’s economy – agriculture, tourism, forestry, and the military – depend on natural and working lands and clean water. Protecting these vital natural resources is essential to ensure these economic drivers will continue to flourish and provide jobs for North Carolinians.

Our state’s conservation trust funds ensure that the North Carolina Land and Water Trust Fund (NCLWF), Parks and Recreation Trust Fund (PARTF), and the Agricultural Development and Farmland Preservation Trust Fund (ADFPTF) are fully funded to be the safeguards for our state. These funds enable conservation groups to continue working with state agencies to protect North Carolina’s valuable natural resources, ensuring that both current and future generations will continue to benefit from all our land has to offer.

In 2022, we are asking for our legislators to invest in our state’s future. With necessary increases in funding to the conservation trust funds, we will all be able to protect our state’s clean water, parks and recreation land, and farmland. Our state legislators alone determine the fate of the conservation trust funds and important legislation that helps our state thrive. Forward planning is what we’re asking for today.

Land and Water Fund
Increase recurring funds to:

  • $25 million recurring in FY22-23
  • $35 million recurring in FY23-24
  • $45 million recurring in FY24-25

Parks and Recreation Trust Fund
Increase recurring funds to:

  • $25 million recurring in FY22-23
  • $35 million recurring in FY23-24
  • $45 million recurring in FY24-25

Additional Funding for Conservation Projects
Non-recurring funds to LWF for military projects and to help match the FY 2023 ENC Sentinel Landscape REPI Challenge proposal to the US Dept of Defense

Heirs Property
The Land for Tomorrow Coalition supports HB 367/S363, Uniform Partition of Heirs Property

Conservation Tax Credit
The Land for Tomorrow Coalition supports H323, Military Readiness and Rural Resilience Act

Restore Dedicated Conservation Funding
Adopt House Bill 372/Senate Bill 354 “Restore Funding/State Conservation Purposes”

Trails Funding
Land for Tomorrow support recommendations from the Great Trails State Coalition

State Parks
The Land for Tomorrow Coalition supports recurring funds to NC State Parks to open & operate new facilities and land funded by the Connect NC Bond, PARTF stateside LWCF and other sources as recommended by the Department of Natural & Cultural Resources

Game Lands
The Land for Tomorrow Coalition supports recurring funds to NC Wildlife Resources Commission to manage new and expanded game lands as recommended by the WRC

The Land for Tomorrow Coalition supports recurring funds for NC Forest Service to manage state forests as recommended by the Commissioner of Agriculture

Help us make sure that our land and water is protected for everyone.

Ways you can get involved:

  • Share on social media – Share a photo or video about the land you’ve enjoyed and want to protect using #land4tomorrow on Twitter or Instagram.
  • Ask your friends to join – Encourage your friends to make a video.
  • Thank your legislator – Let them know we appreciate their support of NC land and water

Cooper’s Budget Works to Protect Our State’s Land and Water

The Land for Tomorrow coalition praised Governor Cooper’s proposed budget, which increases appropriations to the state’s conservation trust funds and provides additional funding for building resilient communities.

“It’s clear that our citizens want to protect our land and water, from the coast to the mountains. We applaud Governor Cooper for responding to that desire with a sound budget proposal,” said Bill Holman, NC State Director for The Conservation Fund and chair of the Land for Tomorrow Executive Committee. “Land and water conservation are important to North Carolina’s economy. In the last budget, we saw support for conservation on both sides of the aisle. This is a good beginning for another budget that protects our state’s natural resources for our communities and allows tourism and agriculture to thrive. We look forward to working with the N.C. General Assembly on a final budget that supports protecting our land and water.”

The highlights of Governor Cooper’s budget for natural and working lands and building more climate resilience:

  • Parks and Recreation Trust Fund (PARTF): Provides an additional $3,757,116 recurring and $20 million nonrecurring to the Department of Natural and Cultural Resources (DNCR) for projects in state parks, the development and renovation of local parks, and beach access. In FY 2022-23, the total funding is $40 million.
  • North Carolina Land and Water Fund (NCLWF): Provides $6,842,470 recurring and $20 million nonrecurring to DNCR to support NCLWF grants to protect and restore the state’s land and water resources, preserve military buffers, restore degraded streams, and develop and improve stormwater treatment. In FY 2022-23, the total funding is $40 million.
  • Peatland and Pocosins Conservation and Inventory: Provides $10 million nonrecurring to DNCR for peatlands and pocosins acquisition and restoration to reduce carbon emissions and wildfire risk, provide flood resilience, and improve water quality. DNCR’s Natural Heritage Program will inventory Coastal Plain wetlands not previously included in natural heritage inventories to inform acquisition and restoration efforts.
  • Resilient Communities Grant Program and Resiliency Staff: Provides $762,825 recurring and $10 million nonrecurring to the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) and the NC Office of Recovery and Resiliency (NCORR) within the Department of Public Safety (DPS) for core resiliency staff, to expand the program to additional communities, and to provide grants, enabling regions and local governments to reduce flood risk and promote long-term resilience.
  • Swine Floodplain Buyout Program: Provides $18 million nonrecurring funding to the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (DACS) to purchase permanent conservation easements on properties currently used for swine production that are within the 100-year floodplain.
  • Forest Development Program: Provides $2 million in one-time funding to DACS for cost-share assistance to NC landowners to improve forest management on private lands through landowner outreach, tree plants, and technical support to adopt and follow best practice management plans.
  • Coastal Habitat Assessment Program: Provides $720,526 recurring and $122,500 nonrecurring to DEQ to establish the Coastal Habitat Assessment Program. This program will assess coastal habitats through site mapping, vegetation assessments, and observation of wetland changes over time.

READ THE FULL BUDGET HERE: https://www.osbm.nc.gov/media/2575/open

Land for Tomorrow is a statewide coalition of community leaders, conservation, and wildlife organizations, and parks and recreation advocates with a common goal: increasing land and water conservation in North Carolina.

Cane Creek Mountain Natural Area in N.C. Nearly Doubles in Size

ALAMANCE COUNTY, N.C. — Today, Alamance County Recreation & Parks, The Conservation Fund and Piedmont Land Conservancy announced the addition of 432 acres to the Cane Creek Mountain Natural Area in Snow Camp, North Carolina. The property, known as the Sizemore addition, will nearly double the size of the Natural Area, bringing it to roughly 1,000 acres of County-owned, protected, publicly accessible park land.

Cane Creek Mountain Natural Area opened to the public in May of 2020, providing access to Alamance County’s largest state-significant natural heritage area. The new Sizemore addition will expand hiking trails and opportunities for nature exploration.

“This acquisition protects one of the most unique and beautiful places in the Piedmont,” said Brian Baker, director of Alamance Parks. “Cane Creek Mountain Natural Area will be a tremendous boost to the health and happiness of Alamance County citizens as well as our local economy. We cannot wait to share this unspoiled land with the people of North Carolina.”

The Conservation Fund, a national environmental nonprofit, purchased the Sizemore addition in 2018 and held it until Alamance County could secure funding from the North Carolina Land and Water Fund to add it to their park system. The Conservation Fund also played an important role in the creation of Cane Creek Mountain Natural Area, securing land and raising private funding.

“Thousand-acre parks in the Piedmont are rare,” said Bill Holman, The Conservation Fund’s North Carolina state director. “This conservation effort at the Cane Creek Mountains not only provides new recreational opportunities, but it also protects habitat for wildlife and water quality for the community.”

Partners, including Alamance County Recreation & Parks, The Conservation Fund, and Piedmont Land Conservancy, helped establish the Natural Area and continue working to conserve the core of the Cane Creek Mountains. About halfway between the growing Piedmont Triad and Research Triangle regions, conserved open space like the Cane Creek Mountains is critical for wildlife habitat, ecological value, and water quality for local communities. The forested Sizemore addition is rich with carbon-capturing trees like Piedmont monadnock, dry oak-hickory, and longleaf pine—which was replanted on a portion of the property that had historically been longleaf pine habitat.

“Piedmont Land Conservancy’s stewardship director, Dr. Ken Bridle, was the first to recognize that the site may have once been home to longleaf pine,” said Kevin Redding, the Conservancy’s executive director. “We are thrilled to see the park created and the longleaf pine restoration as a major component.”

This project was funded by the North Carolina Land and Water Fund, formerly known as the Clean Water Management Trust Fund, which helps improve water quality, sustain ecological diversity, and protect historic sites in the state. Fred and Alice Stanback of Salisbury, North Carolina, and Brad and Shelli Stanback of Canton, North Carolina also made generous donations to make this project possible. Support from North Carolina Senator Amy Scott Galey and State Representative Dennis Riddell also help ensure park conservation projects like this one can succeed.

“This beautiful and ecologically significant park will not only provide habitat and recreational opportunities, but it will also help protect the water quality of the Haw River and Jordan Lake,” said state Sen. Amy Galey. “I am proud that the park was created without county tax dollars, instead leveraging other resources. This is an outstanding investment for our children and all future generations.”

“North Carolina’s parks are among the most popular in the United States and are growing through the legislature’s financial commitments to land, water and recreation trust funds,” said state Rep. Dennis Riddell. “It is exciting to see this funding benefit Alamance County with a new acquisition for the Cane Creek Mountain Natural Area. I look forward to sharing our new outdoor recreation resources with others here in Alamance County as well as citizens from across our state.”

The North Carolina Park & Recreation Trust Fund provided matching funds to Alamance Parks to construct trails and open the park to the public. The North Carolina General Assembly appropriates funds to both the state’s Land and Water Fund and Parks & Recreation Trust Fund.

About The Conservation Fund
At The Conservation Fund, we make conservation work for America. By creating solutions that make environmental and economic sense, we are redefining conservation to demonstrate its essential role in our future prosperity. Top-ranked for efficiency and effectiveness, we have worked in all 50 states since 1985 to protect more than eight million acres of land, including nearly 235,000 acres of beloved natural lands across North Carolina.

About Alamance Parks
Alamance Parks works to improve the quality of life of each of the 500,000 visitors we host at our 20 parks each year. Through our parks and programs, we encourage healthy lifestyles for children and adults, offer inclusive activities for all of our citizens, and provide access to the natural world. https://www.alamance-nc.com/recreation/

About Piedmont Land Conservancy
Piedmont Land Conservancy protects our region’s natural lands, farms, and waters for present and future generations. PLC connects people with nature. PLC has protected over 29,000 acres in 250 projects across its nine-county region of Alamance, Caswell, Forsyth, Guilford, Randolph, Rockingham, Stokes, Surry, and Yadkin counties. To learn more about the Conservancy, and how you can support its efforts to protect farms, rivers, forests, wildlife habitat, and urban greenways and parks, visit www.piedmontland.org or call (336) 691-0088.

Media Contacts
Val Keefer | The Conservation Fund | 703-908-5802 | vkeefer@conservationfund.org
Brian Baker | Alamance Parks | (336) 229-2229 | Brian.Baker@alamance-nc.com
Kevin Redding | Piedmont Land Conservancy | (336) 337-1831 | kredding@piedmontland.org

Carteret County News-Times: Thank you Rep. McElraft

A letter to the Carteret County News editor praising Representative McElraft’s leadership to fund the conservation trust funds.


Thanks to the support of North Carolina Rep. Pat McElraft, family farms in eastern North Carolina will be preserved, military bases will be protected from encroaching development and North Carolinians will have more opportunities for outdoor recreational activities in the future.

The recently passed budget includes $22.7 million in additional money for the state’s conservation trust funds, including an additional $14.7 million for preserving working farms near military bases. Not only will this help protect our natural resources but will aid in the further development of our state’s economy.

As chair of the House Agriculture and Natural and Economic Resources Appropriations Committee, Rep. McElraft has been a strong supporter of funding for parks and recreation projects. She has been an advocate for restoring dedicated funding for the conservation trust funds and coastal storm damage mitigation funds. She has demonstrated her commitment to protecting our agricultural heritage and natural resources to make North Carolina a great place to live, work and visit.

In backing efforts to benefit North Carolinians, Rep. McElraft continues to show her dedication to the people of our state. We must continue to promote and develop our outdoor recreation and tourism industries, protect our military bases and increase our efforts to conserve water and land if we hope to uphold a North Carolina that future generations can be proud to call home. I believe Rep. McElraft will continue to be a key leader on these issues and thank her for her efforts.

Jane Rouse, Morehead City

Originally published on November 17, 2018.

Jacksonville Daily News: Senator Brown’s efforts not unnoticed

A letter to the Jacksonville Daily News editor praising Senator Brown’s leadership to fund the conservation trust funds.

To the editor:

With the recent adoption of the state budget, legislators have made a renewed commitment to our citizens that they are willing to protect our state’s natural resources and scenic beauty, while promoting rural economic development. Senator Harry Brown, a longtime champion for conservation, has worked tirelessly to protect our state’s military bases, water resources and farms and to provide resources for state and local park projects.

His support for an additional $22.7 million in the budget for the state’s three conservation trust funds will help protect working family farms and forest near military bases and promote rural economic development through expanded outdoor recreational opportunities. Under the leadership of Senator Brown, North Carolinians can have peace of mind knowing their favorite streams, rivers, and lakes will be protected.

Senator Brown wants our children and our children’s children to have the same beautiful North Carolina landscapes to admire as we do today, while also strengthening rural economies. Thanks to his efforts, outdoor recreation opportunities, military bases, farms and clean water will be here for generations of North Carolinians to come.

Billy Sewell, Jacksonville

Originally published on July 10, 2018

Times-News: Ross, Gunn help protect NC natural resources

A letter to the Times-News editor praising Representative Ross and Senator Gunn on their leadership to fund the conservation trust funds.

North Carolina lawmakers are fighting to preserve the qualities that make our state one of the top places to live, work and visit. The recently passed state budget will allocate an additional $22.7 million to North Carolina’s conservation trust funds, which help protect our state’s land and water resources and provide funding for parks and recreation projects, like the Mountain-to Sea Trail. The budget also includes significant increases to preserve working family farms in the Piedmont. Alamance County state Rep. Stephen Ross and Sen. Rick Gunn were strong voices in making this additional funding a reality.

Ross has demonstrated his commitment to protecting North Carolina’s tourism and agriculture industries in his role as chair of the House Agriculture and Natural and Economic Resources Appropriation Subcommittee. He has also been a strong advocate for restoring dedicated revenue sources for the trust funds. Gunn has consistently supported conservation efforts throughout his years in the Senate and has been a champion for the outdoor recreation industry, helping create an outdoor industry recruitment position in the NC Economic Development Partnership. Serving as Co-Chairman of the Committee for Senate Appropriations on Agriculture, Natural and Economic Resources, Gunn has supported land and water conservation time and time again to enhance our state’s economy and quality of life. By stewarding our state’s natural resources, legislators like Ross and Gunn are ensuring North Carolina will continue to be a great place to raise our families and expand recreational opportunities for all our citizens. I appreciate their leadership on conservation and hope they will continue these efforts to benefit future generations of North Carolinians.

Billy Sewell, Jacksonville

Originally published on July 4, 2018.