Conservation Funding is a Necessity

The NC Senate proposed budget shows that conservation funding is a necessity for the state of North Carolina. Investing in our land and water creates a healthier North Carolina for all.

Click here to read the full report or click here to read the special provisions report.

Highlights of this year’s proposed funding:

  • Increases recurring funds for the Land and Water Fund by $3.8 million, bringing it to a total recurring $28 million
  • Increases recurring funds for the Parks and Recreation Trust Fund by $3.8 million, bringing it to a total recurring $28 million
  • Provides $15 million in nonrecurring funds in both years of the biennium for farmland preservation
  • Allocates $5 million in nonrecurring funds for the Great Trails program
  • Provides $10 million nonrecurring in the first year of the biennium in accessible parks grants for parks for people with disabilities

Learn more about our 2023 Legislative Agenda.

Our 2023 Legislative Agenda

North Carolinians love the outdoors. Visitation to NC State Parks increased to 22,800,000 in 2021 – 3,000,000 more than in 2020. Visitation to state forests, game lands, trails and local parks continues to increase.

The Land for Tomorrow Coalition greatly appreciates the strong support of the General Assembly and Governor for our Conservation Trust Funds and looks forward to working with them in 2023 to build upon our success. Land for Tomorrow recommends the following to the 2023 General Assembly.

NC Land and Water Fund
Increase recurring funds to:

  • $30,000,000 recurring
  • $20,000,000 in non-recurring funds in FY23-24

The Land for Tomorrow Coalition strongly supports NC Land and Water Fund’s flood risk reduction grant program.

  • $15,000,000 to continue NCLWF’s flood risk reduction program

Parks and Recreation Trust Fund

  • $30,000,000 recurring
  • $20,000,000 in non-recurring funds in FY23-24

Agricultural Development & Farmland Preservation Trust Fund

  • $15,000,000 recurring as recommended by Agriculture Commissioner Steve Troxler

Great Trails State Funding
The Land for Tomorrow Coalition supports the Great Trails State Coalition’s request for appropriations to establish the Great Trails State Fund.

Dedicated Funding and Conservation Tax Credit
The Land for Tomorrow Coalition supports H290: Protecting NC’s Military and Working Lands, which incentivizes land conservation by providing a 25% tax credit to landowners who donate land for conservation purposes. The coalition also supports restoring dedicated funding from state deed excise stamp tax revenues to the Land & Water Fund and Parks & Recreation Trust Fund.

Stewardship of State Lands, Facilities & Funds
The Land for Tomorrow Coalition strongly supports requests by the Department of Natural & Cultural Resources, NC Wildlife Resources Commission and Department of Agriculture for staff to manage the conservation trust funds and to manage new state parks, historic sites, game lands and state forests.

Download a PDF of these priorities.

Sen. Brent Jackson Recognized as Land and Water Champion

DURHAM – Sen. Brent Jackson has been recognized as a North Carolina Land and Water Champion by the North Carolina Land for Tomorrow Coalition.

“Sen. Jackson is a steadfast supporter of funding for land and water conservation,” said NC State Director of The Conservation Fund Bill Holman, who chairs the coalition. “His support has been crucial to increasing the dollars available for this vital work.”

Sen. Jackson is one of three state legislators to receive this year’s award. Other awards went to Rep. Larry Strickland and Rep. Kyle Hall. Because of their work, this past year the General Assembly directed well over $300 million towards game lands, working farms, military buffers, local nature preserves, and parks and trails across North Carolina. These legislators also led efforts to restore funding for conservation programs that suffered in the previous economic downturn.

“North Carolinians benefit from these funds through new places to be outdoors—a need that became particularly important in the past few years,” said Holman. “All of us who value North Carolina’s natural resources owe Sen. Jackson gratitude for his support.”

Picture Caption: Representatives of the Land for Tomorrow Coalition recognized Sen. Jackson during a visit to Holly Shelter Game Land, one of the many natural areas that have been protected with funds from the N.C. Land and Water Fund. Pictured left to right: Nature Conservancy Southeast Coastal Plain Director Deb Maurer, Nature Conservancy Government Relations Director Will Robinson, Sen. Jackson’s dog Angel, Nature Conservancy Executive Director Katherine Skinner, Wildlife Resources Commission Legislative Affairs Manager Ashton Godwin, Wildlife Resources Commission Forester Casey Phillips, Friends of The Mountain to Sea Trail Board Member Tammy Proctor, and Pender County Commissioner Dr. Jimmy Tate.

Land for Tomorrow is a statewide coalition of community leaders, conservation and wildlife organizations, and parks and recreation advocates with a common goal: increasing land and water conservation in North Carolina.

Rep. Kyle Hall Recognized as Land and Water Champion

DURHAM – Rep. Kyle Hall has been recognized as a North Carolina Land and Water Champion by the North Carolina Land for Tomorrow Coalition.

“Rep. Hall is a steadfast supporter of public funding for land and water conservation,” said NC State Director of The Conservation Fund Bill Holman, who chairs the coalition. “His support has been crucial to increasing the dollars available for this vital work.”

Rep. Hall is one of three state legislators to receive this year’s award. Other awards went to Rep. Larry Strickland and Sen. Brent Jackson. Because of their work, this past year the General Assembly directed well over $300 million towards parks and trails, working farms, local nature preserves, game lands, and military buffers across North Carolina. These legislators also led efforts to restore funding for conservation programs that suffered in the previous economic downturn.

“North Carolinians benefit from these funds through new places to recreate—a need that became particularly important in the past few years. That includes strong support for Hanging Rock, Mayo River, and Pilot Mountain state parks, Belews Lake Park, and the establishment of Dan River State Trail,” said Holman. “All of us who value North Carolina’s natural resources owe Rep. Hall gratitude for his support.”

Picture Caption: Representatives of the Land for Tomorrow Coalition recognized Rep. Hall as a North Carolina Land and Water Champion at the Piedmont Land Conservancy’s Shoe Buckle tract on the Dan River, which is one of many natural areas across North Carolina that have been funded by the North Carolina Land and Water Fund. The 850-acre tract will provide river access, eventually becoming part of the Mountains-To-Sea Trail. It will also become a key part of the Dan River State Trail. Pictured from left to right: Piedmont Land Conservancy Board President Will Truslow, Piedmont Land Conservancy Executive Director Kevin Redding, Rep. Kyle Hall, and Piedmont Land Conservancy Conservation Planner Palmer McIntyre.

Land for Tomorrow is a statewide coalition of community leaders, conservation and wildlife organizations, and parks and recreation advocates with a common goal: increasing land and water conservation in North Carolina.

Prioritizing land and water conservation

Thank you to North Carolina’s governor and legislators for passing a budget that prioritizes land and water conservation. Funding of $48.4 million to the state’s conservation trust funds will benefit people and nature for generations.

Our state’s conservation needs are not one-and-done. The Land for Tomorrow coalition thanks our state leadership for building on the foundation of conservation funding established in 2021. By securing reoccurring funding, every generation now has a chance to have clean air and water as well as beautiful places to play.

Land and water are North Carolina’s most important economic assets. The four engines of North Carolina’s economy – agriculture, tourism, forestry and the military – depend on land and water conservation. Therefore, protecting these vital natural resources is essential to North Carolina’s bottom line – boosting spending and providing jobs.

Our state’s conservation trust funds ensure that the North Carolina Land and Water Trust Fund (NCLWF), Parks and Recreation Trust Fund (PARTF), and the Agricultural Development and Farmland Preservation Trust Fund (ADFPTF) are fully funded to be the safeguards for our state. In addition, these funds enable conservation groups to continue working with state agencies to protect North Carolina’s valuable natural resources, ensuring that both current and future generations will continue to benefit from all our state has to offer.

Thank you to the governor and our legislators for conservation funding of the following:

  • Increases recurring funding for the North Carolina Land and Water Fund by $11 million, taking the total recurring funding from $13.2 million to $24.2 million.
  • Increases recurring funding for the Parks and Recreation Trust Fund by $8 million, taking the total recurring funding from $16.2 million to $24.2 million.

To learn more about the impact of the conservation trust funds and see your tax dollars in action, follow Land for Tomorrow on Facebook – – and Twitter –

Cooper’s Budget Works to Protect Our State’s Land and Water

The Land for Tomorrow coalition praised Governor Cooper’s proposed budget, which increases appropriations to the state’s conservation trust funds and provides additional funding for building resilient communities.

“It’s clear that our citizens want to protect our land and water, from the coast to the mountains. We applaud Governor Cooper for responding to that desire with a sound budget proposal,” said Bill Holman, NC State Director for The Conservation Fund and chair of the Land for Tomorrow Executive Committee. “Land and water conservation are important to North Carolina’s economy. In the last budget, we saw support for conservation on both sides of the aisle. This is a good beginning for another budget that protects our state’s natural resources for our communities and allows tourism and agriculture to thrive. We look forward to working with the N.C. General Assembly on a final budget that supports protecting our land and water.”

The highlights of Governor Cooper’s budget for natural and working lands and building more climate resilience:

  • Parks and Recreation Trust Fund (PARTF): Provides an additional $3,757,116 recurring and $20 million nonrecurring to the Department of Natural and Cultural Resources (DNCR) for projects in state parks, the development and renovation of local parks, and beach access. In FY 2022-23, the total funding is $40 million.
  • North Carolina Land and Water Fund (NCLWF): Provides $6,842,470 recurring and $20 million nonrecurring to DNCR to support NCLWF grants to protect and restore the state’s land and water resources, preserve military buffers, restore degraded streams, and develop and improve stormwater treatment. In FY 2022-23, the total funding is $40 million.
  • Peatland and Pocosins Conservation and Inventory: Provides $10 million nonrecurring to DNCR for peatlands and pocosins acquisition and restoration to reduce carbon emissions and wildfire risk, provide flood resilience, and improve water quality. DNCR’s Natural Heritage Program will inventory Coastal Plain wetlands not previously included in natural heritage inventories to inform acquisition and restoration efforts.
  • Resilient Communities Grant Program and Resiliency Staff: Provides $762,825 recurring and $10 million nonrecurring to the Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) and the NC Office of Recovery and Resiliency (NCORR) within the Department of Public Safety (DPS) for core resiliency staff, to expand the program to additional communities, and to provide grants, enabling regions and local governments to reduce flood risk and promote long-term resilience.
  • Swine Floodplain Buyout Program: Provides $18 million nonrecurring funding to the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (DACS) to purchase permanent conservation easements on properties currently used for swine production that are within the 100-year floodplain.
  • Forest Development Program: Provides $2 million in one-time funding to DACS for cost-share assistance to NC landowners to improve forest management on private lands through landowner outreach, tree plants, and technical support to adopt and follow best practice management plans.
  • Coastal Habitat Assessment Program: Provides $720,526 recurring and $122,500 nonrecurring to DEQ to establish the Coastal Habitat Assessment Program. This program will assess coastal habitats through site mapping, vegetation assessments, and observation of wetland changes over time.


Land for Tomorrow is a statewide coalition of community leaders, conservation, and wildlife organizations, and parks and recreation advocates with a common goal: increasing land and water conservation in North Carolina.

Land for Tomorrow Coalition Praises Senate Budget

Land for Tomorrow, a statewide coalition of community leaders, conservation and wildlife organizations, and parks and recreational advocates that works to increase land and water conservation in North Carolina, is praising the Senate’s budget, which was released last night.

“Investment at this level would be a major step forward for land and water conservation in North Carolina,” said Bill Holman, NC State Director of The Conservation Fund and chair of the Coalition. “The Senate has recognized the important role that land and water conservation play in our economic and public health. The pandemic showed that people really wanted to get outside; they need more public spaces. And, we also know that spending on public lands boosts the state and local economy.”

Tim Gestwicki, Chief Executive Officer of the North Carolina Wildlife Federation and Land for Tomorrow Board Member says that the need was made clear during the last 15 months. “Fishing licenses increased 94 percent from May 2020 to December 2020,” he says. “Hunting licenses increased by 20 percent. These additional funds can help grow state game lands, particularly in the Piedmont where there is a serious need.”

Funding for State Conservation Funds:

  • Land and Water Fund
    • Additional $60 million NR in FY21-22. Brings total to $73.2 million for the year.
    • Additional $40 million NR in FY22-23. Brings total to $53.2 million for the year.
  • Parks and Recreation Trust Fund
    • Additional $60 million NR in FY21-22. Brings total to $76.2 million for the year.
    • Additional $40 million NR in FY22-23. Brings total to $56.2 million for the year.
  • Farmland Preservation Trust Fund
    • Additional $35 million NR in FY21-22. Brings total to $39.3 million for the year.
    • Additional $20 million NR in FY21-22. Brings total to $24.3 million for the year.

In addition to significant funding for the State’s Conservation Trust Funds, the budget also includes:

  • $40 million NR for State Parks Water and Sewer Projects in FY21-22
  • $9 million NR in FY21-22 and $3.2 million NR in FY22-23 for Pisgah View State Park
  • $15 million NR in FY21-22 for State Historic Sites

Study Points to Urgency for Land and Water Conservation Funding

A new study by RTI International (RTI), a nonprofit research institute, makes the case for increasing public land and water conservation funding in North Carolina. “The Time is Now: An Assessment of Conservation Funding Needs in North Carolina,” says that projected growth will lead to the loss of 2 million acres of undeveloped land in the next three decades. It also points to the role that undeveloped lands play in flood protection, buffering of mission-critical military bases, and providing places for people to recreate. That recreation need was particularly apparent during the COVID-19 pandemic when state parks experienced record attendance and the issuance of hunting and fishing licenses dramatically increased.

“Our research highlights the urgency of investing in conservation efforts in the state of North Carolina,” said George Van Houtven, Director of Ecosystem Services Research at RTI and lead author on the study. “Preserving our forests, wetlands, and farmland is not only vital for our state’s economy, but a chance to bolster outdoor opportunities for North Carolinians while simultaneously decreasing flood risks.”

Most public land and water conservation funding comes from three trust funds—NC Land and Water, Parks and Recreation, and Agricultural Development and Farmland Preservation, which are largely funded through state appropriations. At its peak in 2008, the trust funds awarded more than $155 million. Last year, only $29.9 million was awarded.

State agencies have identified millions of dollars in unmet needs. The North Carolina Division of Parks and Recreation would like to add 134,000 acres to its holdings at a projected cost of $310 million. Most of the parks were closed for six weeks last spring due to the pandemic, but still experienced a record year with more than 19.7 million visitors. The N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission reported a 95% increase in its Inland Fish/Coastal Recreational Fishing Licenses between May and December 2020. Hunting licenses increased by nearly 20% during the same period.

“COVID-19 emphasized just how much North Carolinians appreciate places for outdoor recreation including hunting and fishing,” says Tim Gestwicki, Chief Executive Officer of the NC Wildlife Federation. “In some places, particularly the Piedmont, state game lands are limited. We need to protect these properties before they are lost to development.”

Last summer’s Congressional passage of the Great American Outdoors Act, which guarantees full funding for the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) also presents new opportunities. LWCF funds are awarded to the state but require matching state funds. The state also pulls down significant dollars from the Department of Defense (DOD) to protect land around military bases. DOD also requires state matching dollars. “We’ve got so much opportunity with federal funding and the need for additional public lands is obvious in light of the use the current lands are getting,” says Bill Holman, NC State Director of The Conservation Fund.

“At the current funding rate, we just make a dent in the needs,” says Katherine Skinner, Executive Director of the NC Chapter of The Nature Conservancy. “Meanwhile, North Carolina is the eighth fastest-growing state in the nation. We need to act now before lands are developed. Undeveloped lands and wetlands are crucial for the multitude of benefits they provide people, from flood control to clean air and clean water.”

The RTI study was commissioned by The Nature Conservancy, The Conservation Fund, and The Trust for Public Land. Click the image below to read the full report.

Now Is The Time To Invest In Conservation For North Carolina

While this global pandemic has hit all nations and all our US states hard, there is no denying the outdoors have served as a getaway to relieve people from isolation.

In the midst of quarantine, trails at local and state parks have seen a dramatic increase in visitation from North Carolinians trying to get outside for some fresh air. Through these visits, it’s been clear that open spaces have been important for people to maintain their health and bridge the gap to a good quality of life during a time of great uncertainty.

As the North Carolina legislator prepares to go into session, the Land for Tomorrow coalition urges state lawmakers to maintain reliable funding for the state’s conservation trust funds in this upcoming fiscal year. The continued investment for these funds will not only protect our state’s natural resources but it will also invest in the well-being of all North Carolinians and help rebuild our local and recreational economies. By doing so, North Carolina can continue to establish itself as a great place for our residents to work, live, and play – as well as provide economic opportunity for those in the recreational industry.

Here are The Land for Tomorrow Coalition’s legislative priorities for the NC legislator for FY20-21:

  • $19,657,529 for Clean Water Management Trust Fund (CWMTF) 

This amount reflects a $13,157,530 base budget + $4,500,000 in new recurring funds + $1,999,999 in nonrecurring funds. 

  • $19,642,884 million per year for the Parks and Recreation Trust Fund (PARTF) 

This amount reflects a $16,242,884 base budget + $1,400,000 in new recurring funds + $2,000,000 in nonrecurring funds. 

  • $7,800,000 for the Agricultural Development and Farmland Preservation Trust Fund 

This amount reflects a $4,300,000 base budget + $3,500,000 in nonrecurring funds. 

We look forward to the upcoming session and working with members of the General Assembly to establish a budget that continues to invest in conservation and North Carolina’s constituents.


Bipartisan Majority of U.S. Senate Sponsors Legislation to Provide Full Dedicated Funding for LWCF

56 Senators Support Great American Outdoors Act

WASHINGTON – With the support of President Donald J. Trump and 56 bipartisan members of the U.S. Senate, Senators Cory Gardner (R-CO) and Joe Manchin (D-WV) introduced new legislation that will provide full dedicated funding for the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF).  The Great American Outdoors Act advances two critical priorities from previously introduced bills – in addition to fully funding LWCF, it also addresses the maintenance backlog in America’s national parks and other public lands.

“This legislation makes clear the broad, bipartisan commitment to LWCF and its importance to conservation and outdoor recreation efforts across the country.  The Great American Outdoors Act represents a historic opportunity for Congress to make critical and lasting investments in our public lands and the outdoor recreation economy,” said Tom Cors, Director of Government Relations for Lands at The Nature Conservancy and a spokesman for the LWCF Coalition.

“The LWCF Coalition applauds Senators Gardner and Manchin – supported by the majority and minority leaders, and by our many other dedicated champions in the Senate – for standing up on behalf of millions of outdoorsmen and women to get the job done for LWCF this year.  We look forward to working with the House and Senate to get this over the finish line as soon as possible,”

About the Land and Water Conservation Fund 

The Land and Water Conservation Fund is America’s most important conservation program, responsible for protecting parks, wildlife refuges and recreation areas at the federal, state and local level.  For 50 years, it has provided critical funding for land and water conservation projects, recreational construction and activities and the continued historic preservation of our nation’s iconic landmarks from coast-to-coast.

LWCF does not use any taxpayer dollars – it is funded using a small portion of revenues from offshore oil and gas royalty payments. Outdoor recreation, conservation and historic preservation activities contribute more than $887 billion annually to the U.S. economy, supporting 7.6 million jobs.

About the LWCF Coalition

The LWCF Coalition is the umbrella group of more than 1,000 state and local land owners, small businesses, ranchers, sportsmen, veterans, outdoor recreationists and conservation organizations working to protect America’s public lands and safeguard our shared outdoor heritage for future generations.

The Coalition is united in its advocacy for full funding of the Land and Water Conservation Fund, which will ensure the continued conservation of our national parks, forests, wildlife refuges, wilderness, civil war battlefields, as well as state and local parks.

For more information on LWCF and the places in each state that have been protected using LWCF funds, visit


RELEASE: March 10, 2020 

Media Contact: Justin Bartolomeo (202) 789-4365